Our Team

Dawn DePauw

Manager | Tax, Estate and Trust


Professional Experience

Dawn DePauw (CPA) provides guidance to clients during times of transition to minimize the stress to them and their families. For the last 15 years, Dawn has focused on guiding DSB Rock Island’s clients with tax compliance and providing advice to individuals and trustees in areas of estate, trusts and gifts.

“There is always a great deal of complexity and emotion in these situations,” says Dawn. “I help the widow or widower by educating them on what they need to know regarding their estate or trust. Many times, this person has not been the primary financial manager of the household, so I help them feel comfortable with each step and keep things moving forward efficiently.”

Dawn provides ongoing communication with her clients during difficult times, so they can minimize taxes and ensure IRS compliance. “In the end, I provide empathy to their situation and reduce their worries due to trust or estate administration.”

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Connected, Proactive + Accessible® Professional


Tax Planning + Advisory
Individual, Business, Gift, Trust + Estate Tax Preparation
Trust + Estate Planning


American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants (MNCPA)


B.S. Accounting, St. Cloud State University
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)